ExperiSchool: Experience and Experiment

ExperiSchool is an independent high school located in Waltham, MA specializing in student-driven learning. Our goal is to provide an environment where students can learn through new experiences and experiment while exploring and developing their passions. We strive for every student to be engaged with and motivated by what they are learning. Our individualized curriculum provides students with the opportunity to explore their own interests and find courses taught using the teaching methods that work best for them.


Students choose the courses that interest them, while distribution requirements ensure that every student graduates with the skills they need. 

Grading System

Our courses are pass/fail with teacher comments, allowing students to take more risks in their assignments without worrying about a bad grade. Teachers look for growth rather than a set result.

Teaching Methods

We offer courses ranging from the traditional lecture and test to fully project-based learning, so students can choose the learning style that works best for them.